On Colonel Sanders White Wig And Beard KFC Kentucky

On Colonel Sanders White Wig And Beard KFC Kentucky Fried Chicken Costume Adult
On Colonel Sanders White Wig And Beard KFC Kentucky Fried Chicken Costume Adult

1. Wash the chicken, the Zhancheng 1-inch square block, into the receptacle, Sichuan Xu soy sauce, rice wine mixture, marinate it. Chestnut shell with a knife to cut open, boil for a short fish out under the boiling pot, stripped of shell clothing and set aside.

1. chicken breasts, except bars, flowering knife, cut into pieces shaped Ding, add egg white, dry starch, salt mixing evenly, boil for a short look into the prosperous pig pan, drain the oil.

(1) pine shoot the chicken breasts, cut into small mixing with peanuts and spices together.

2. Ding-shaped cut into the dried chili and put it into the pan wang (lard can also be used peanut better and increase the flavor) fry, fry until golden brown, stir together the chicken into 10 seconds. The spring onion, rice wine, soy sauce, sugar, vinegar, wet starch reconciled into the pot and stir fry the next number, and then fried peanuts turn into a few full, clean wok can finally add some chili oil.

2. boil hot, the next vegetable oil. Till the oil Qicheng hot, fry the chicken pot a little bit, that even the oil into the colander.

2. wok relaxing oil, till the Liucheng hot, it will look fried chicken into the red, into the colander.

Once the sexy witch costume is on you, it is time to put on the accessories. Attach the metal nails and make sure your make up is on the rough and touch side. The pointed witch’s hat must adorn your head – check if it fits right by aligning it properly in the mirror. Put on next the witch’s fake nose and chin. This may involve the use of some spirit gum. Mostly, the spirit gum is included with the costume and accessories package. Do not forget the spirit gum – if you don’t want to end up with a constantly falling fake nose or chin.